...Everything You See or Hear

     If the world was perfect, I wouldn't need to include this page on my site. Unfortunately, a lot of people (including Wiccans themselves) harbour misconceptions about what Neo-Paganism is about. Hopefully, this will dispell quite a few of them.  

     No, Wiccans are not Satanists. Satan is a figure in Christian mythology, and Wiccans aren't Christian. Hence, Satan has no place in our cosmology. If you are still unconvinced, follow this link.  

     No, Wiccans aren't out to rule the World. We don't even believe in proselytising. This has to do with a strong belief that those who are "right" for our faith will stumble upon it one way or another.  

     No, Wiccans don't perform sacrifices (animal or human). We don't advocate abusing drugs or hold wild sex orgies. Sure, some people claiming to be Wiccan have done many or all of these things, but they aren't Wiccan. Just as the "Christians" who kill abortion doctors, bomb gay clubs and believe that blacks, Jews, and other minorities do not belong on this earth are not considered true Christians by the majority of people who follow Christ, Wiccans who participate in any of the above activities are not considered true Wiccans by the majority of Neo-Pagans.  

     No, Wicca is not "As Seen On TV." This includes such films as The Blair Witch Project and The Craft. I enjoyed both of these movies very much, but the fact is, they're figments of Hollywood's imagination. Now, unlike a lot of sentiment I've seen expressed on the Net, I don't find it offensive when movies like this are released, precisely because they are fiction. If you're still confused, look at it this way: The Craft is to Wicca what Monty Python's The Life Of Brian is to Christianity. So watch those movies, have fun, but don't consider them to be indicative of what the Craft is like.  

     And my personal favourite:
     You're not Wiccan unless you're a 27th level Priestess of the Temple of the Holy Full Moon Mother of the Sacred Idiocies or (insert temple name here). This one cracks me up every time I see it. The unfortunate truth is that every group has its more narrow-minded, insular, and quite frankly, obnoxious individuals, and that includes Wicca. Some people just don't feel secure in their own spirituality unless they devalue others' beliefs. So here's the scoop: if you believe yourself to be Wicca, worship the Lord and Lady, and don't intentionally try to use your faith to harm others, you are Wiccan. End of story. When someone claims that you aren't Wiccan/Pagan/a true Witch unless you've been initiated into a specific tradition by High Priestess X whose family has passed down the true ways of worship for N number of centuries, run. (I have supreme doubts whenever someone claims to be a hereditary witch, and those doubts only grow the farther back this person claims Wicca has gone in his/her family.) So when Priestess Q, 3rd Level Initiate and keeper of the Sacred B.S. tells you that she follows the only true Path, or that her way is better than another's, don't believe it. All the fancy titles may make her seem like an expert, but keep in mind that "experts" once thought the sun revolved around the earth and that frogs were born from mud. While it's certainly not wrong to belong to a coven or temple, to consider that Path the only correct way to worship is both foolish and dangerous.

Let me know what you think! Email me!  

