Morgan's Rites

     Well met! By way of introduction, my name is Morgan, and I have been practicing Wicca (with varying degrees of piety) since the age of ten. I do not hail from a long, unbroken line of hereditary Witchcraft, nor am I priestess of some arcane grove or temple. In fact, I was introduced to the Craft through books, and, although I know several other Pagans, I don't actively worship with any of them. In some respects, this page is my way of making contact with the larger world. Although this page has been designed so the reader can jump to any page without reading the others, you might want to start with the explanation of terms below, especially if you have no idea what Wicca is about. If you already practice the Craft, some of this will be familiar to you, so please bear with. Still, it's virtually a requirement for every Pagan site on the net to have something like the following, so I'll throw in the towel and get it out of the way forthwith. If you're ready to skip it and head into the meat of the site, please choose a link from the table to your left.

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Green Witchcraft Part II:
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Explanation of Terms

The Craft - a generic term for all manner of Pagan practices, such as Wicca, Magick, and the like. It's a shortening of the word 'witchcraft'.

Cross-Quarter Days - the four great ceremonies observed by the vast majority of Neo-Pagans. These are (using the Celtic terms) Samhain, October 31; Brigantia, February 1; Bealtaine, April 20; and Lughnasadh, August 21.

Eclectics - Pagans who adopt deities and practices from more than one cultural background.

Lord and Lady - A generic term for the God and Goddess, used in Paganism when the deities being referred to aren't members of a specific pantheon or Tradition.

Magick - the practice of influencing the temporal world by concentrated willpower. The word is spelled with a 'k' to distinguish it from 'magic', which is the sleight-of-hand, rabbit-in-the-hat deal.

Neo-Pagan - literally, "new Pagan." A person who has adopted a modern interpretation of ancient religions, such as Druidism, Shamanism, and the like. Technically, most worshippers of these faiths are Neo-Pagans, although I will often refer to them simply as 'Pagans' for the sake of brevity.

Pagan - most widely used to refer to men and women who follow other belief systems than those of the Semitic religions, although it can be used in both wider or narrower contexts. I use 'Pagan' and 'Wiccan' somewhat interchangeably, although they can be two completely different things, depending on who's talking.

Tradition - The cultural background Pagans adopt in their worship. For example, my family comes from the British Isles, so I worship Celtic and Teutonic deities and follow the Celtic and Norse traditions. Those who adopt deities from several specific backgrounds at once are sometimes referred to as Eclectics.

Wicca(n) - Wicca is the name of a religious faith, and Wiccans are its followers. I tend use this term interchangeably with 'Pagan.' However, Wicca can also be used to describe the faith of men and women who believe in the Lord and Lady, yet do not subscribe to a specific cultural pantheon. The word itself comes from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning 'wise man' or 'wise woman', and is the ancestor of our modern word 'witch'.

Wiccan Rede - An It Harm None, Do What Thou Wilt (or a variation on the above). This is the "Golden Rule" of Paganism, and is one of the few tenets of Wicca accepted across the board, regardless of Tradition.

Witchcraft - generally used to describe the Pagan practice of working Magick. That is, anyone who practices spellwork, such as scrying, herbal magick, folk magick, etc. You can be Wiccan without practicing Witchcraft, and vice versa.